To assist you with understanding and using the AEM Test equipment we have a series of knowledge based articles that provide step-by-step guides on using and getting the best out of your AEM testers.
- Changing Cable or Connector Types
- Changing Cable Certifications Types
- Changing a Testpro Remote
- Which AEM Ethernet Connector Do I Use
- 5G vs 5Gbps Vs 3GHz
- Testing Cabling for Ethernet Performance
- Testing Ethernet Networks
- Testing PoE Switches
- Locating Return Loss Problems
- Locating NEXT Problems
- Patch Cord Testing
- Long Cable Testing
- Making Custom Labels in CSV
- Learn NVP
- MultiGigabit SNR
- New Test Limits for Optional Parameters
- TestPro Battery Operation
- TestPro Firmware Update Using USB
- Download the Extended Care Plan flyer